Papilloma creams: buy or make at home

Papillomas are a sign of HPV (human papillomavirus) infection. They are small benign growths on the skin.

They can appear anywhere: on the face, arms, legs, genitals, or even on the mucosa of internal organs, for example, in the stomach or cervix.

Warts imply the presence of an infection in the body, the action of which must be blocked, and the formations themselves must be removed.

There are many ways to get rid of papillomas on the body. And they are all painless and safe. The medical centers will choose a suitable procedure and will do everything quickly and efficiently.

Such methods are appropriate if the disease is in an advanced form. And if warts have appeared recently, then you should not resort to these methods, but try antiviral ointments for papillomas and folk methods.

ointment papilloma on the arm

Today, there are many oils for treating papillomavirus.

Ointments for papillomas

The pharmacy has a wide range of medicines for papillomas, including creamy products. Papilloma ointment is a convenient way to remove the defect, which is available to anyone.

Many turn to radical methods of removal of growths: electrocoagulation, removal of radio waves, laser cauterization, use of liquid nitrogen, surgery.

But before deciding on such procedures, each person tries to get rid of the problem on their own, using less risky methods, which include papilloma oil.

And if self-medication does not give the right result, then you should seek medical attention. Using papilloma oil as a treatment means simply and quickly (from a few days to a few weeks) to get rid of the hated growths.

Compared to medical methods, a home method of treating formations will take a lot of time and patience, but the result will not disappoint.

If there is a papilloma in the body, oil is the best way to get rid of the pathology, there are no contraindications and a large list of possible complications.

The action of oils from papillomas

Most ointments known and known for papillomas have a local effect, and the active substances that are in their composition do not penetrate into the systemic circulation.

As a result of this principle of action, side effects after ointments are not observed, in contrast to taking medication.

The effective action of papilloma oils is due to their properties:

  • destruction of infected cells;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • anesthesia;
  • antiviral properties;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.
the doctor chooses an ointment for papillomas

Each oil for treating papilloma has a unique composition and you need to choose the right medicine carefully. One oil can combine all the properties, while the other can be directed.

For example, salicylic oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, destroys benign cells.

Before using oils from plantar or dry papillomas, the affected area of skin should be evaporated and dried with a clean, soft towel, only then apply it to the selected product.

The active components of the oil fall into the structure of the papilloma, acting on the cells affected by the virus.

But an effective result can be achieved if the virus is not active enough.

Modern pharmacies offer a large selection of oils for papillomas, but there are some folk remedies.

Salicylic ointment

Salicylic ointment for papilloma removal is one of the available and effective tools to get rid of the defect.

But as a result of applying the product to the skin, unpleasant local reactions may occur.

To remove neoplasms, it is necessary to apply a composition with a concentration of 60%, as a result, after applying the oil to the tumor, a burning sensation arises and painful sensations appear.

After applying a thin layer of the product on the steamed papilloma, it should be secured with a bandage and left for 12 hours.

You need to repeat the procedure every day until the result is obtained.

There are many other ointments for treating papillomas. The most suitable medicine will be recommended by a specialist.

Papilloma cream

The cream also acts effectively on external factors that affect the activation and development of viruses. It increases the strength of the body and strengthens the immune system, which contributes to an improved fight against HPV.

Before applying the cream, the site of localization should be washed with soap and dried, then a thin layer of cream is applied and left for 10 hours without being fixed with a bandage, after which it is washed with warm soapy water.

The procedure should be done once a day until the formation is completely removed, but it should be remembered that the maximum period of use of the cream is 4 months.

garlic for papilloma oil

Household ointment

Effective ointments for papillomas can be prepared independently using ingredients that you can always find at home.

Here are some of the best recipes for wart creams:

  • garlic cream. It is easy to prepare by chopping 1 clove of garlic and mixing it with 1 teaspoon of face or hand cream. Apply the resulting mass on the affected area and fix with a bandage for 5 hours, then rinse. Perform the procedure for a month. Instead of garlic, you can use chopped fresh celandine;
  • egg-vinegar ointment. In 0, 5 liters of vinegar, it is necessary to dissolve the egg shell, then add the nutria fat until a creamy consistency is formed. Vinegar essence can cause burns, you have to be careful;
  • vinegar cream and onion. Peel 1 onion, place in a bowl and pour over the vinegar, let it cook for 3 days. Onions should be extracted and chopped into a pureed state, which should be lubricated with papillomas once a day for 30 minutes, and then washed.

Tips for choosing an oil for papillomas

It is not recommended to choose a medicine for removing papillomas yourself; you should first consult a doctor. It is important to make sure of the good quality of the product selected and to see the expiration date.

The choice of oil should be based on the location of the formations, their number and size (maximum size of the treated area is 20 cm square), the degree of virus activity.

You should be aware of the contraindications, which mainly include diabetes mellitus and impaired metabolic processes in the body.

Some oils are intended to treat papillomas on the mucosa, while others - on the skin. The composition of the medicine plays an important role because some oils may be made up of plant ingredients while others will contain acids.

Also, remember that an integrated approach is needed to treat HPV. And it is better to choose oils that have more than 2 properties.

If papillomas are located in the genitals, then it is necessary to check for the likelihood of degeneration in oncology before starting treatment.